
In the past few weeks for art we have been making siapo siapo is a Samoan tapa cloth. to make it you draw your pattern then you vivid over it then you scrunch it up then unfold it and that gives you the texture and your done. I drew the fish net because i like to fish. The pattern symbolises the nets used for catching pidgeons and turtles. have you gone to Samoa?

Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is a big celebration around the globe celebrating with family and having meals, giving presents and using fireworks. It falls between January 21 and February 20 and it lasts for 15 days.

It starts with cleaning to sweep away bad luck then they decorate it in red for good luck and the lanterns have riddles on them. The people give red envelopes to kids under there pillows and when they wake up they find the money in it. At dinner times they invite family and eat dinner together. Everyone brings their favourite meal.

The traditions are lion dances to scare away evil spirits and the dragon dance the longer the dragon more lucky.

The Chinese New year is an important celebration in Chinese culture. It is a time for family joy, and a fresh start for the year and for good luck. It is happiness and success in the new year.

Waitangi Weekend

On Waitangi weekend my family Jude’s family Leo’s family went up white river and then up a mountain it was 18k up 18k down.  we slept in the cabins and the beds are as hard as stone! I slept better on the ground. for breakfast we only had porridge and for dinner we had pasta. I was so tired.


This week in Tāwhirimātea, we have been getting to know each other by shared drawings about our holidays.

Someone new I have met is Wyatt.

The RISE value I have shown this week is empathy by helping a year 4.(Wyatt)

Three of the rules in Tāwhirimātea are:

  1. No running.
  2. no shoes inside.
  3. No gum.

I am looking forward to the pool when it is open.


The mystery of Cinema Suspects

For math in the last few weeks, we had to solve a mystery. It was 7 pages long! And the maths was quite challenging. We figured out how to do it eventually. It was really fun but my buddy had to do an activity for 1 session, and I figured out 1 of the 7 by myself. It  had addition, multiplication, subtraction, division, word search and Sudoku.

Football Term 4


For Physical Education this term, I have been learning how to play football with Lottie, Lisa and Amy.

We played games to learn football skills. My favourite game was fishy-fishy because it was easy to learn.

I have learnt to dribble.

I focused on improving at good aim while holding a few balls at a time and being a better goalkeeper.

The most challenging part of learning football was when the really good people were in for fishy-fishy.

I enjoyed booting the ball to the other side of the field.

I probably won’t join a club because i’m not sporty and I do touch already.

I have shown the RISE value of resilience by not giving up.